Spearheading Nigeria’s First Pre-Trial Services Assessment Tool (PTSAT)
The PTSAT assesses the procedures, legal framework and practices relating to deprivation of liberty at the pretrial stage, from the...
The PTSAT assesses the procedures, legal framework and practices relating to deprivation of liberty at the pretrial stage, from the...
On September 28, 2019, New-Rule, in conjunction with PartnersGlobal and Partners West Africa Nigeria (PWAN), completed the second phase of...
New-Rule is happy to join Democracy International (DI) in providing programming for the Promoting Peace & Justice (PPJ) Activity implemented...
New-Rule is pleased to announce the commencement of a new project in the Republic of Iraq. In collaboration with PartnersGlobal,...
For INL, New-Rule is working with PartnersGlobal to operationalize regional Maisons de Justice, designed to deliver legal aid, information and...
In the Reform Kuje project, New-Rule is working with PartnersGlobal, Partners West Africa Nigeria, and the Network of University Legal...
New-Rule expert police adviser, Gen. Ameyi Celestin Guidimey, supported the Roadmaps to Security in Senegal and Burkina Faso program providing...
New-Rule, in conjunction with Partners Global and a long-standing local coalition of Nigerian organizations – Partners West Africa Nigeria, CLEEN Foundation,...
From February through May 2018, New-Rule supported the implementation of the USAID Duteze Imbere Ubutabera (DIU) activity to increase access...